#指向性エネルギー兵器 #DirectedEnergyWeapon

【Electromagnetic attacks, torture and human experimentation using electromagnetic waves, morgellons, complete control of the brain by nanochip, "mind control", etc.

"Collective stalking" is carried out by military technology that uses satellites to remotely control people. Once the nanochip scattered in the chemtrail is taken into the body, the person is taken over the function of the brain, unconsciously moved the body, and becomes a "group stalker perpetrator".






See bottom for details



Police State Torture of "Non-Nationals" with Directed Energy Weapons

Saturday, December 05, 2015 16:22:18 Theme:

Human experimentation using electromagnetic torture and electromagnetic waves

Torture of "non-nationals" with police state-oriented energy weapons

("Capricious. Reprinted from the http://bilininfojp.blogspot.jp/ 27, 2014 on the site (19th) This site was removed around September 2014 because it probably had a lot of information that they didn't want to know about. )


("Horrific wounds from directional energy weapons")

V.I. Vernadsky, who controls the entire electromagnetic spectrum, will rule the world." - V.I. Vernadsky The woman in this photo was tortured and killed with a directional energy weapon.

These wounds were caused by the hands of an invisible criminal from a place away from the victim's home. The perpetrator performs some kind of attack on the victim almost every day. It broke into the victim's computer and erased more than 200 evidence of electromagnetic torture. Lasers are weapons of sight.

In other words, using technology that can be seen through walls, someone can see if the victim is at home and determine exactly what body part to attack. This is pre-planned torture of certain American citizens.

The authorities don't care if these people are suffering or not. Even if they seek salvation, hospitals and doctors blame the victim for his self-harm and hospitalize him in a psychiatric hospital. Homes and property are confiscated as if they were completely worthless. What if someone tells you that you don't have a future anymore?

That's the message thousands of victims who have been told to commit suicide if they want to escape torture with directional energy weapons. <The woman in this photo, Susan Watkins of St. Louis, Missouri, died of hanging at her home on March 31, 2014.

There was a note on the wall. "They were watching from the satellite as I was dying." Her death was not an accident. She was killed. If you don't know about the relationship between radiation, gang stalking, and population selection programs like Morgellons, you can tell by becoming a victim.

At the moment, these programs are calculated to affect only certain people. >'t get on the news because it's a bad thing, and I'm not calling social ripples or making ambulances leave. Information about the related weapons is classified by the military. The victim has been killed and wounded in his home. It is not strange at all if the home is called "a modern battle ground". The Global Justice program says how government fusion centers, law enforcement agencies, and gang stalkers will work together in the community security program. The fact that this is repeated throughout the United States points out organized crime. <America is now a police state, and all human rights are reserved.

Victims also have no right to appeal to the local police. Gang stalkers (known in official documents as "infantry" and "partners") do not give it. Is it because the victims committed any crimes? Many of the victims have worked honestly all their lives to support their families and now live on pensions.

A declaration of war has been made against citizens who have been recognized by the authorities as "people who are not

right." Many of the victims are single women who are past the age of childbirth. The program targets people who have witnessed police, firefighters, and emergency lifesavers engaged in drug cartels, car thieves, smuggling and prostitution, whistleblowers, artists, people who rebel against the government, the elderly, the handicapped, those on Medicare and Medicaid, gays, strange people, pensioners, people with some kind of opinion, and people who are doing activities. You will be tortured to death simply by affixing stickers of content you don't like or expressing religious or political opinions.

< South American drug gangs may think, but they should be different in civil society, where there is a constitution and a Bill of Rights. The police are now a legitimate murder and torture gang. These are laser holes on the hard wooden floor of the victim's home.

Gang stalkers break into homes, destroy electrical equipment with directional energy weapons, poison food, break clothes, and put Morgellon insects in bedding and clothing. Facilities and equipment such as automobiles, water and gas are broken by microwave energy beams. Once named a terrorist, the victim is followed by radiation and gang stalking until he dies. Just living up uses up all your resources. Lose your job and income. There are a lot of people who have to apply for the disability from too much serious injury. Life is destroyed. As you can see on this meter, the energy and frequency of this house are severed.

With the right equipment, the exact nature, direction, and source of the weapon will be revealed. UUnfortunately, the victims have no knowledge or resources to defend themself. Who knows what the hell is going on? That people who have worked hard all their life need to defend them themself against the entire United States of America (the U.S. military, navy, air force behind them, NASA). This is an illustration of how to be targeted by radiation.

You will be bathed in a super microwave field assembled from three directions. This can cause pain, nausea, organ damage, memory loss, and many other things. There are magnetrons (tremendously heavy), generators, and antennas. I see neighbors carrying this heavy equipment into the house. You can be in mental and physical danger without realizing it yourself. Americans have been persuaded by lies and slurs to do this to the same Americans. They are being rewarded for their "services" by being handed new weapons and technology. Some gang stalkers boast of killing three people a week. < This is just the beginning. http://www.mikrowellenterror.de/bildergalerie/index.htm some harm devices are installed in your home or car so that you can attack with directional energy wherever you are.

Whether you're eating in a restaurant or in a queue at a shop cash register, you can always be attacked and your brainwaves recorded. It only ends in a minute and a half to two minutes. Your own brain cipher will be enhanced and calibrated 200,000 times with a supercomputer. And, it is used in "Brain computer interface" with special software. Then the phase array antenna system will map your time and place, so you can irradiate it, no matter if you're in the kitchen or sleeping in bed or driving a car.

People who hear high-pitched sounds in their ears are connected to the Internet with enhanced brain waves and computer software and satellites. The antennas emitting them can be programmed from a satellite communication system in a briefcase. TThis is a government program called TAMI. Your brain is used like a radio to send and receive frequencies.

Once connected to receive messages via a computer, thoughts are put in the head, and emotions that are not yours are made to be felt. They even tell me to commit a crime or commit suicide. I can hear a voice in my head. It's not through the ears. They are made to say things that are not their own words. In other words, you will be mind controlled and become like a slave. Moreover, it is tracked like the animal. The local police are using this new science into a thing.

They have the ability to track wherever the victim goes, eavesdrop on all the words the victim utters, and steal all personal things such as bathing, changing clothes, and sexual activity. There is no sanctuary or privacy in this global New World Order. <http://www.nsmsurveillance.com/

This may be a screen of weapons used to torture victims of directional energy weapons.

People suffer from all of the symptoms listed here. This includes being made to hear voices that others can't hear. It is commonly called "voice to skull". People are given electric shocks and extreme vibrations of the entire nervous system when they are about to go to bed.

It leads to fatigue and sleep deprivation. Arms and legs are moved against the will. The heart and lungs are attacked, given undesthes sexual stimuli and electrically raped. You can be forced to have emotions that are not yours. Even if this wasn't a real menu, it's a good list of what victims are tormented by.

These weapons are demon straight against the U.S.

Congress. Congress naturally knows its purpose and ability. HHe also approved the Patriot Act. In other words, they fully understand the purpose and effect of the law to approve radiation to citizens. Directional energy weapons represent a natural next stage in "speed-of-light engagement" in terms of military strategy. It actually delivers the slowest part of the "sense and kill" cycle - enough energy to kill or impair humans - to the target. With directional energy weapons, criminals can focus their energy on targets at the speed of light. This will match the "engagement" speed of other parts of the "detect and kill" chain. Universities, students, companies, scientists, and anyone who comes up with, develops, manufactures, or uses directional energy weapons has knowledge of the technology. Directional energy weapons (DEWS=Directed Energy WeaponS) are defined as equipment that uses radiated waves or microscopic-scale particulate beams to destroy or defeat targets.

IIt may include systems based on electromagnetic energy, acoustic waves, and liquid/particulate systems. Projects such as lasers, charged particulate beams (CPB), radio frequencies (RF), high-power microwave (HPM) systems, high-power millimeter waves, dazzling visible light, and pulsed energy systems project energy that strikes the target at a speed of light. While the RF/HPM source has a "radar-like" antenna pattern, the laser attacks in a straight line. Therefore, it can be thought of as an area weapon. Electromagnetic DEW systems are over the electromagnetic spectrum.

Energy systems are segmented by frequency and / or wavelength length. This includes gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, terahertz radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. In general, the DEW of a high-energy laser (HEL) is in the frequency band between visible light and infrared light. On the other hand, high-power microwave (HPM) weapons are located between the low-frequency microwave bands (between 800MHz and 3GHz). These weapons were used in the Iraq War.

It is now used against Americans. TThis is not a test. "Those

who control the entire electromagnetic spectrum will rule the world" – V. I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) Vernadsky was a physicist, biologist, geologist and designer of the Soviet atomic bomb project.

A basic research program on "physical geometry" was launched. > also included the interaction between life processes and electromagnetic radiation. Vernadsky devised the term "biosphere", highlighting the fact that "the integrity of the earth's organisms forms a comprehensive process in a powerful interaction with the earth's climate and geophysic conditions." All available scientific knowledge about the biosphere is used to crush enemies in war.

This includes weather modification, manipulation of atmospheric layers such as the edoelectric layer, large-scale biological combat, triggering natural disasters, and developing global electromagnetic combat. The absorption of trace amounts of "tuned" electromagnetic waves at the individual quantum level can have a decisive effect on the course of biological events. TThis is known by the name of "the information role of electromagnetic radiation in biological systems". Small reactors and MHD equipment already used in pulse mode by radar reconnaissance satellites are the energy source of military orbital systems. A huge orbital phase array EP system, or a ground-based phase array facility with a very large and effective appercha like HAARP, can attack an entire city. It creates a loss of life comparable to a nuclear weapon, without collateral damage. http://sirio26.ucoz.de/nonlinear1.htm Excerpted from another page

http://www.skizit.biz/2014/03/13/is-gangstalking-and-torture-made-possible-by-wireless-sensor-networks/ same site

For those who are being targeted: Are you being tortured at home? Are you vibrating or shocked when you're sleeping? Do you know the exact location of the body part? Are your arms and legs moving on their own using different frequencies? Are you electrically raped? Is your whole body vibrated? AAre these things happening at different times and places? There is also a fear that your images are provided to "handlers" from the wireless center network installed in the house.

Images can be created only at the radio frequency of a system with 32 nodes. In addition, the actual camera that forms the wireless camera network can be used to create higher-quality images. Images taken with them are put together to create holograms and 3D images.

A wireless sensor network is a free-standing sensor that is spaced out to monitor physical and environmental conditions such as temperature, sound, and pressure, and to transmit the data over the network to the

center. In modern networks, the more bidirectional it is, the easier it is to control sensor activity and program systems from a distance.

Wireless sensor networks were developed with the aim of being stimulated by military purposes such as monitoring combat sites.

Today, it is used for many commercial and consumer purposes, such as monitoring and controlling industrial processes and monitoring the condition of machinery.

A wireless sensor network consists of hundreds to thousands of "nodes".

EEach node is connected to one (sometimes several) sensors. The nodes in the sensor network have several parts. A radio transceiver with an internal antenna or connected to an external antenna. An electrical circuit that interfaces with the sensor, a m mycro controller. Embedded power source for battery or energy harvesting.

The size of the sensor node varies from about a shoebox to a dusty

one. However, "nodes" that function at the size of the microscope level have not yet been created. Similarly, prices vary from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars, depending on the complexity of individual sensor nodes.

Restrictions on the size and price of sensor nodes affect resources such as energy, memory, calculation speed, and communication

bandwidth. WSNs range from simple starnet work to advanced multi-hop wireless mesh networks. The propagation technique between hops in a network is routing or flooding.

Wireless sensor networks can also be part of the smart

grid. By simply installing a small card in the house that controls the nodes (multiples) controlled by the audiovisual radio frequency, you can monitor all rooms of the house. The card can be installed inside a smart meter.

New technologies believed to have been developed for medical and defense use are being used hostilely against those targeted.

Harvard's code blue program, a medical wireless sensor, seems to be frighteningly easy to apply to targeting people in the home. The red was emphasized where it was understood that they were receiving the reward from the U.S. military.

(Continued unsoveled)

警察国家 指向性エネルギー兵器による「非国民」への拷問

2015年12月05日(土) 16時22分18秒


警察国家 指向性エネルギー兵器による「非国民」への拷問







― V.I.ヴェルナドスキー




 お前にはもう未来がないのだ、と誰かに言われたらどうだろうか? それは、指向性エネルギー兵器による拷問から逃れたいなら自殺しろと告げられている数千人もの被害者が受け取っているメッセージである。



 アメリカはいまや警察国家であり、すべての人権が留保されている。被害者には地元の警察に訴える権利もない。ギャングストーカーたち(公的文書の中では「歩兵」「パートナー」と呼ばれている)がそれを与えない。被害者たちが何か罪を犯したからなのか? 被害者の中には生涯ずっと正直に働いて家族を養ってきて、今では年金生活を送っている人々も多い。





 このメーターでご覧いただけるように、この家のエネルギーと周波数は振り切れている。適切な機器があれば、その兵器の厳密な性質や方向、発信源までもが明らかになる。残念ながら被害者たちには自衛するための知識もリソースもない。いったい誰にわかっただろうか? 一生を通してまじめに働いてきた人たちが、アメリカ合衆国全体(背後に米軍、海軍、空軍、NASA)に対して自衛する必要がでてくるだなんて。










 これらの兵器は米国議会に対してデモンストレートされている。議会は当然その目的や能力を知っているわけである。愛国者法も承認した。つまり市民への放射線照射を承認する法律の目的や効果を完全に理解している。指向性エネルギー兵器は、軍事戦略の面では「光速のエンゲージメント」における自然な次の段階を表している。「察知して殺す」サイクルの中の一番遅い部分、つまり人間を殺したり人間に障害を与えたりするのに充分なエネルギーを、標的に対して実際にデリバリーしている。指向性エネルギー兵器があれば、犯罪者たちは標的に対して光速でエネルギーを当てることができる。それによって「察知して殺す」チェーンの中の、他の部分の「エンゲージメント」速度にマッチするようになる。 大学、学生、企業、科学者など、指向性エネルギー兵器について発案・開発・製造・使用する人なら、誰でもこの技術に関する知識を持っている。

 指向性エネルギー兵器 (「DEWS」=Directed Energy WeaponS) は、放射波や顕微鏡スケールの微粒子ビームを用いて標的を破壊/敗北させる装備と定義づけられている。電磁的なエネルギー、音響波、および液体/微粒子のシステムにもとづくシステムを含む場合がある。レーザー、帯電微粒子ビーム(CPB)、ラジオ周波数(RF)、ハイパワーマイクロ波(HPM)システム、ハイパワーミリメーター波、眩しい可視光線、パルスエネルギーシステムなどのプロジェクトは、それぞれ、標的に向けて光速なみの速度でとどくエネルギーを投射する。RF/HPMのソースが「レーダーのような」アンテナパターンになっているあいだにレーザーが直線で攻撃する。したがって、エリア兵器と考えることができる。



“電磁スペクトラムの全体をコントロールする者が世界を支配するだろう” – V. I. ヴェルナドスキー (1863-1945)





http://www.skizit.biz/2014/03/13/is-gangstalking-and-torture-made-possible-by-wireless-sensor-networks/ より抜粋

 標的にされている方へ:自宅で拷問されていますか?寝ている時に振動やショックを与えられていますか? 体の部位の正確な位置を把握されていますか?さまざまな周波数を使って、あなたの腕や足が勝手に動くようにされていますか?電気的に強姦されていますか?全身が振動させられていますか?これらの事が、違う時間や場所でも起きていますか?




 ワイヤレスセンサーネットワークは数百個から数千個に及ぶ「ノード」で構成されている。各ノードは一つ(時として幾つか)のセンサーに接続されている。センサーネットワークのノードに は、幾つかのパーツがある。内部アンテナのついた、または外部アンテナと接続されたラジオ・トランシーバー。センサーとインターフェイスする電気回路、マ イクロコントローラー。 バッテリーまたはエネルギー収穫用の埋め込み型の動力源。


 センサーノードの大きさや価格上の制限は、エネルギー、メモリー、計算速度、通信帯域などといったリソースに影響する。WSNの形態は単純なスターネット ワークから上級のマルチ・ホップワイヤレスメッシュネットワークまで様々である。ネットワークのホップ同士の伝播技術はルーティングまたはフラッディングである。





The Health Effects of Conducted Energy Weapons

1,214 回視聴•2013/10/15

Council of Canadian Academies Conseil des académies candiennes

チャンネル登録者数 106人

The use of conducted energy weapons (CEWs) by law enforcement agencies around the world has grown rapidly in recent years. CEWs are devices that use electrical energy to induce pain or to immobilize or incapacitate a person. The health effects of CEWs are one of several factors that police and correctional agencies, policy-makers, and front-line personnel must take into account when deciding whether such devices should be used in the field.

To better understand the health-related effects of CEWs, Defence Research and Development Canada requested an independent, evidence-based assessment of the state of scientific knowledge regarding the medical and physiological impacts of conducted energy weapons. The Council of Canadian Academies worked collaboratively with the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences on this science-based assessment.

【1発100円】レーザー兵器でドローンの群れを一発で!? - LaWS&HELIOS

1,820,561 回視聴•2019/02/19

USA Military Channel 2

チャンネル登録者数 27.1万人



Click here to Subscribe USA Military Channel 2: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpU18...

Film Credits: U.S. Navy video by Office of Naval Research, John Williams, Sgt Jonathan Herrera, CPO Joshua Bruns

ドローン攻撃をマイクロ波で撃退 河野大臣が視察(19/11/14)

18,873 回視聴•2019/11/14


チャンネル登録者数 183万人



[テレ朝news] https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp

#次期戦闘機 #マイクロ波兵器 #搭載の見込み


54,543 回視聴•2020/12/30

#ホワイトハウス #指向性エネルギー #高出力レーザー


2,537 回視聴•2021/05/01


チャンネル登録者数 47万人





#ホワイトハウス #指向性エネルギー #高出力レーザー

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Police State Torture of "Non-Nationals" with Directed Energy Weapons

Saturday, December 05, 2015 16:22:18 Theme:

Human experimentation using electromagnetic torture and electromagnetic waves

警察国家 指向性エネルギー兵器による「非国民」への拷問

2015年12月05日(土) 16時22分18秒


#YusukeKusuyama 1975 X #楠山祐輔 ➣ #INTERNATIONAL

Generator Text to Video Maker Yusuke Kusuyama: 楠木正成と聖武天皇、YHWH ZERO DNAの融合 Yusuke Kusuyama(楠山祐輔)は、楠木正成と聖武天皇の価値観を基盤に、YHWH ZERO DNAを統合。伝統と革新を結びつける新たな社会モデルを提唱しています。


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