What is the American #HolinessMovement !?

「WORD of LIFE」様より





What is the American Holiness Movement in 5 Minutes?


What is the American Holiness Movement?

America Holiness Movement ...

1 A movement started with the intention of re-emphasizing the doctrines and experiences of Whole Sanctification and Christian Perfectation, highlighted by methodist father John Wesley (Wesley) in the 18th-century English evangelical awakening movement, in an attempt to rebuild and re-emphasize the Church in 19th-century America. As a result, it led to the birth and occurrence of several cults and organizations. The cause has been promoted by those who felt that it was their mission to re-emphasize their teachings and experiences, as wesley's ardent cooling of "total sanification and christian completeness" and criticism came to be seen in the mainstream of the Methodist Church that spread throughout the United States. Particularly e emphasizeing was that total sanification must be experienced instantaneously as a "second turning grace" of Christians. The first turning point is to be saved from the sins committed by man as an act, at which time he is born born into a Christian, but the nature of sin that makes us commit those sins still remains in us. But at the second turning point, the nature of the sin is rened, and man is made to be a man who can live a life of perfect victory over love, and is instantly guided by the experience. AAmong the things Wesley conveyed, the reaction, correction, and re-emphasis on the in particular being made of these points in the Methodist Mainstream Church were central to the Holiness movement.






1メ゜ゞストの父ゞョン・りェスリりェスレヌが18䞖玀英囜の犏音芚醒運動で匷調した党的聖化Entire Sanctificationずキリスト者の完党Christian Perfectionの教理ず経隓を19䞖玀のアメリカの教䌚に埩興しお再匷調しようずの意図で始められた運動のこずでその結果幟぀かの教団や団䜓の誕生や発生にたで至ったもののこずであるその原因はアメリカに広がっおいったメ゜ゞスト教䌚の䞻流にりェスリの䌝えた「党的聖化・キリスト者の完党」に察する熱心の冷华化や批刀が芋られるようになったこずでその教理ず経隓を再匷調するこずを䜿呜ず感じた者たちによっお掚進されおきた特に匷調された点は党的聖化がキリスト者の「第2の転機的な恵み」ずしお瞬時的に経隓されなければならないずいうこずであった第1の転機には人間が行為ずしお犯した眪から救われるのであっおその時に新生しおキリスト者ずされるのであるがただそれらの眪を犯させる眪の性質は人の内に残存しおいるしかし第2の転機でその眪の性質はきよめられお人は愛に党うされ眪に党く勝぀生涯を送り埗る者ずされしかもその経隓に瞬時に導き入れられるずいうのであるりェスリの䌝えた事柄の䞭で特にこれらの点がメ゜ゞスト䞻流教䌚でおろそかにされたこずぞの反動ず是正たたその再匷調がホヌリネス運動の䞭心であった<埩> 2南北戊争の原因の䞀぀ずなった奎隷解攟問題に぀いお明癜な態床ず実践に立たなかったメ゜ゞスト教䌚から1840幎代にオレンゞ・スコットが独立しおりェスレアン・メ゜ゞスト教䌚を蚭立したこずに端を発し1860幎にはBTロバヌツが同様な理由に加えお聖化の䞻匵の匱䜓化を批刀しおメ゜ゞスト教䌚のゞェネシヌ教区から远攟されその結果自由メ゜ゞスト教䌚が組織されるに至った䞀方1830幎代にはサラ・ランクフォヌドずフィヌビ・パヌマヌの二婊人が「火曜日集䌚」ずしお知られる集䌚を開始し同様の集䌚を各地に開いおそれがホヌリネス埩興運動を掚進するようになった1860幎代には「聖化掚進キャンプ集䌚党囜協䌚」が組織されそれは䜕床か組織替えや改名を繰り返しお今日の「クリスチャン聖化協䌚」CHAずなっおいるこの頃各地に「神の教䌚」ず称する幟぀かの教団が生れその倚くはペンテコステ掟ずなっおいったがむンディアナ州アンダヌ゜ンに本郚を有する教団はりェスレヌ䞻矩ず堅く結び付いお残っおいる歎史的にはりェスリたちず源を別にする人たちの䞭にも曎に深くきよめられた勝利の生涯曎に高いクリスチャン生掻を匷調する者が起っおきおホヌリネス運動の流れの䞀郚ずなるものが生れたメノナむトや改革掟の䞭からもクリスチャン・アンド・ミショナリヌ・アラむアンスずか倧リバむバル運動の指導者でオベリン掟ず蚀われるチャヌルズ・Gフィニやアサ・メむハヌン英囜に端を発した救䞖軍組合掟の信埒医垫アップハム長老掟のボヌドマンバプテストのABアヌルなどもこの倧きな運動の䞀郚ず芋られク゚ヌカヌ掟のRピア゜ルハンナ・Wスミス倫劻なども含たれるもちろんメ゜ゞスト䞻流からも共鳎加担する者が少なくなかった英囜のオズワルド・チェむンバヌズやパゞト・りィルクスなどもアメリカにおいおではないが盞通じおいる<埩> 3珟圚では次のように倧きく䞉぀に区別される1りェスレアン・ホヌリネス運動はりェスレヌ䞻矩を保持しおそれを匷調しおいるもの2ケズィック・ホヌリネス運動は1875幎に英囜ケズィックで開かれた倧䌚に発端を持぀もので改革掟神孊の圱響を受けたりェスレヌ䞻矩の特城を持ち第2の転機を蚀う者もあるが眪の性質の党的で瞬時的なきよめは蚀わないFBマむアヌやアンドルヌ・マヌレむなども含たれおいるず蚀えよう3ペンテコステ掟ず呌ばれるもので珟状においおはりェスレヌ䞻矩ずはかなり異なるものずなっおいるものが倚いホヌリネス経隓を聖曞の五旬節䜿埒2章ず「第2の転機」ず䞊べお異蚀や神癒などをこの経隓の蚌拠ずしお匷調するものが少なくないこれらの異なる動きを同じホヌリネス運動の䞋に理解するこずは珟代においおは適切でなくむしろ区別しお芋るべきである<埩> 4ホヌリネス運動に加わる者たちがこの物質䞻矩的な時代に霊的な生掻を立蚌顕瀺しおいる意矩は小さくないが゚リヌト意識戒埋䞻矩静寂䞻矩文化吊定䞻矩反知性䞻矩自己欺瞞熱狂道埳的無感芚非珟実䞻矩などず芋られる奇圢の信仰生掻や意識に知らずしお萜ち蟌むこずのないようにホヌリネス運動にかかわる者たちは心しなければならない加えお聖霊を匷調するのあたりに聖曞を信仰の唯䞀の芏範ずせずにそれを超越したり聖曞を超えた特殊啓瀺や経隓を䞻匵したり尊重重芖したりするこずは蚱されるべきではない→メ゜ゞスト䞻矩りェスレヌ䞻矩聖化運動きよめホヌリネス蔊田眞寊

出兞『新キリスト教蟞兞』いのちのこずば瀟, 1991


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John Wesley

81 views•2020/01/09

#聖公䌚の聖職者 #むングランドのプロテスタントの信者 #むギリスの牧垫

宇宙のすべおの知識 プリンシピア

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81 回芖聎•2020/01/09

John Wesley, June 28, 1703 - March 2, 1791, was an 18th-century Church of England priest who later tyred a faith awakening movement called the Methodist Movement. It was a Protestant church named methodist to have come to have a big power in the United States, Europe, and Asia to have a result from this movement. Especially in the United States, it is a Protestant school with the second largest number of believers. Emphasizing sanification, he chanted The Complete Christians. This is inherited by the Wesleyan Methodist and the Holiness, which emphasizes the ying-ying. Wesley, who studied theology at Oxford University, joined his brother Charles Wesley in starting a small student group, The Holly Club, to help them live their student lives. Later, the way of life (method) which characterizes this sect, and becomes the common name is derived from the daily division at this time. Wesley, who graduated from college and became a priest in the Church of England, went to colonial America with the intention of preaching to American Indians, but returned home in despedy with little satisfactory activity. Until this time Wesley was a strict martial lawist, practicing it himself, but he had not been confident in his faith for a long time. At that time, one phrase of the Luther sermon collection heard from a certain Bohemia missionary (Huss faction Moravia brotherhood) strikes his mind and body like thunder. We are thyrest that the conviction of salvation does not come at the end of commandments or good deeds, but that we have already been saved by Christ's self-sacrifice when we realize our imperfections and sinfulness. To spread this gospel and its community service, he begins a faith awakening movement. However, the movement using a large number of tsuji preachers, mainly made up of believers, caused a fierce opposition on the part of the church and was persecuted as an evil group. The believers also went out to the service of the national church in the early days, but gradually became irreconcilable and came to have original worship and meeting place. Wesley spent the second half of his life touring 18th-century England and Ireland, which were not yet railwayed. The purpose was to give the open-air sermons he was good at and to bestow the sacrament on believers who had lost their relationship with the clergy. His sermons were often difficult, and the public didn't seem to understand them well, but his passion seemed to impress them. George Whitfield, who was close to Calvin's thinking, also acted halfway along as leader of the Methodist movement, but the Welsh Methodists followed a different path and formed the Presbyterians after the Welsh Methodist Revival. Wesley also competed with the Church of England over his faith, but he pledged allegiance to the King of England and was generally cooperative in his national policy. HHe also spared no effort in cooperating with the Spanish Civil War at the time. When a Methodist preacher is captured as an unemployed exile, he is forced into the army, but he encourages him to return to fulfill his duty as a reward country. In the Church of England, the ranks of the director, elders, and deacons were established, but Wesley was not a director in the position of "elder." The Methodist movement has expanded and relations with the Church of England have deteriorated. Initially, members of the Methodist Society were coached by Wesley to keep worship in the State Church and give it to the sacrament, but as relations deteriorated, the execution of communion in the Methodist herd became a problem. Wesley asked the Church of England's superintendent to give a hand to the believer evangelists who worked under him to solve this problem, but this wish was rejected. Wesley was in the position of the elder, not in a position to give a hand. As the Methodist movement expanded into the Americas and the United States, then a colony of the British Empire, became independent, Wesley was forced to establish methodists on the New Continent as methodist eponymists and gain independence from the Church of England. By this time, Wesley, through King's book, had recognized that the director and the elder were equal in the Bible, and in his position, he was authorized to proselytize and execute the scriptures to the American congregation evangelists. In this way, provided, the Methodist Episterological Church in the United States is systematically and theologically independent of the Church of England.


ゞョン・りェスレヌJohn Wesley、1703幎6月28日ナリりス暊6月17日 - 1791幎3月2日は、18䞖玀のむングランド囜教䌚の叞祭で、その埌メ゜ゞスト運動ず呌ばれる信仰芚醒運動を指導した人物。この運動から生じたのがメ゜ゞスト掟ずいうプロテスタント教䌚であり、アメリカ合衆囜・ペヌロッパ、アゞアで倧きな勢力をも぀に至った。特にアメリカではプロテスタント系で信埒数第2の教掟である。聖化を匷調し、『キリスト者の完党』を唱えた。これはりェスレヌ掟のメ゜ゞストずきよめを匷調するホヌリネスに継承されおいる。

オックスフォヌド倧孊で神孊を孊んでいたりェスレヌは、その匟チャヌルズ・りェスレヌずずもに、自らの孊生生掻を埋するための小さな孊生グルヌプ Holy Club を始める。のちに、この教掟を特城づけ、その通称ずもなる生掻方法メ゜ッドはこのずきの日課割りに由来しおいる。






Wesley Mission Trail

201 views•2017/01/20


201 回芖聎•2017/01/20


He followed Wesley's missionary journey through Bristol, Cornwall, London and Epworth.


What is the American Holiness Movement in 5 Minutes?


YusukeKusuyama 48 🚹 👚  楠山祐茔 →  - OFFICIAL !!!!!

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