『 Electromagnetic attacks, torture and human experimentation using electromagnetic waves, morgellons, complete control of the brain by nanochip, "mind control", etc.
Microchips, implants, mind control, and cybernetics
Saturday, December 05, 2015 13:40:22 Theme:
Human experimentation using electromagnetic torture and electromagnetic waves
Microchips, implants,
mind control, and cybernetics (reprinted
from the site "http://spade-for-heart.jimdo.com/ Library/ (article at the bottom)"
The late Dr. Rauny Riina
Lucanen Kirde December 6,
2000 Text From:
http://www.whale.to/b/kilde.html In 1948, Norbert Wiener published a book, Cybernetics, which revealed neurological communications and control theories already in use in small circles of the time.
"The father of the information society," Yonezh Masda, claimed in 1980 a concern that our Liberty was under orwell-like style of threat by cybernetic technology that was completely unknown to most people. The technology links people's brains through embedded microchips to satellites controlled by supercomputers at ground-based bases. > In 1974, the first brain implants were surgically implanted in Ohio, USA, and Stockholm, Sweden.
In 1946, brain electrodes were inserted into the baby's skull without the consent of their parents. In the 1950s and 1960s, electric implants were inserted into the animal and human brains. It was carried out especially in the research to correct the behavior in the United States and to control the brain and the body. The Mind Control (MC) method was used in an attempt to change human behavior and feelings. Affecting brain function became an important objective of the military and intelligence services. 30 years ago, a brain implant device was projected into an X-ray.
Its size was one centimeter. The subsequent implant was reduced to the size of rice. They were made of silicon. It later became made of gallium acenaide steel. Today, they are reduced in size to the extent that they can be inserted by surgery into the neck or back, and then into veins in different parts of the body with or without the subject's consent. At present, it is almost impossible to find or remove them. Injection of microchips into all newborns is technically possible.
IIt can examine his or her identity for the entire life. Despite the privacy concerns of such plans, they are being secretly implemented in the United States without being made public at all. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme allowed implants to be implanted in prisoners in 1973. Jean Freeze, a former director of the Data Inspection Bureau, revealed that implants were implanted in the mid-1980s for patients recuperating at home. The technology was revealed in a 1972 Swedish government report, Statens Officiella Ucradninger (SOU).
Humans with implants implanted can track back wherever they
go. The function of their brains can be monitored from remote locations via a supercomputer, which can also be changed by changing frequencies. Guinea pigs in confidential experiments include prisoners, soldiers, psychopaths, handicapped children, deaf and dumb, blind, gay, single women, older people, schoolchildren, and any group that elite experimenters have admitted to being "marginal." For example, the publicized stories of Utah prison inmates are conscience-ding.
Today's microchips are operated by low frequencies.
< People with implants implanted are tracked by satellites wherever they go on Earth. According to Dr. Carl Saunders, who developed the Intelligence Mind Interface (IMI) biotics that can be embedded in the body, the technique was one of the tests of the Iraq War. (Soldiers were embedded with Rambo Chip before the start of the Vietnam War.) It can increase adrenaline in the bloodstream. The 20 billion-bit-per-second supercomputer owned by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) can now "see and hear" soldiers' experiences on the battlefield using the Remote Monitoring System. If a 5 micrommermic microchip (the hair diameter is 50 micrommer millimeters) is inserted into the visual nerves of the eye, the experience of the person embedded with it - nerve impulses corresponding to what they smelled, saw and heard - can be extracted from the brain.
TThese nerve impulses are transferred and stored in the computer, which can be sent back into the person's brain through a microchip to recreate the experience again. Operators of ground-based computers can use RMS to send electromagnetic messages , which are encoded in signals, into their neural systems to influence the target's behavior. This RMS causes healthy people to have (artificial) hallucinations and hear voices in their heads. Each thought, response, hearing, and vision creates neurological potentials, spikes, and patterns unique to the brain and its electromagnetic fields.
At present it can be deciphered as thought, image, and speech. Electromagnetic stimuli can take over a person's brainwaves, affect muscle activity, and cause muscle pain like torture. The NSA's electronic surveillance system can track and manipulate millions of people at the same time.
Just as each of us has a unique fingerprint, we have a unique bio-electrical resonant frequency in each brain. Stimulation of the brain by fully coded electromagnetic frequencies (EMF). PPulsed electromagnetic signals are sent to the brain, causing the targeted person to experience certain auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations. This is a form of electronic war.
American astronauts were implanted so they could trace their thoughts and record all their emotions 24 hours a day before they were sent into
space. The Washington Post reported in May 1995 that Crown Prince William of England had implants implanted when he was 12 years old. If he were kidnapped, radio waves with specific frequencies could target his microchip. The chip signal is positioned on a computer screen at the police headquarters via a satellite. There, the crown prince's movements are tracked. He was actually able to find it wherever he went on earth. The mass media did not report that the privacy of the person implanted with the implant would disappear for the rest of his or her life.
She/he can be manipulated in many ways. The secret controllers of this facility can change human emotional life by using different frequencies. She/he can be aggressive or let-up. Sexuality can be artificially changed. Thoughts and unconscious thoughts are deciphered, dreams are changed, and it can also be induced. AAll of these are done without the understanding or consent of the implanted people. The perfect cyber soldier can therefore be created.
The secret technology has been used since the 1980s by the armies of certain countries belonging to NATO. A group of citizens or scholars have not been told anything about it. A little information about such an intrusive mind-control system is written only in specialized journals and academic research journals. The NSA's signal intelligence group can monitor information in the human brain from a remote location by decoding the reflected waves emitted by the brain (5 milliwatts, 3.50Hz).
Prisoner subjects in Gothenburg, Sweden, and Vienna, Austria, were revealed to have brain damage. Where brain implants are usually implanted, blood circulation decreases, resulting in a lack of oxygen in the front of the right head lobe. FFinnish subjects suffered brain atrophy due to lack of oxygen and suffered intermittent attacks on their unconsciousness. Mind control techniques can be used for political purposes (e.g., a playful farce using this technology to get Obama elected president).
The purpose of today's mind controllers is to induce behavior that is contrary to the beliefs and best interests of the targeted people or groups. A zombied person commits a murder and is then programmed to leave no memory of the crime. Examples of these things that are not easy are found in the United States. This silent battle is being fought by the hands of the military and intelligence services against ordinary people and soldiers who know nothing.
Since 1980, the brain's electronic stimulation (ESB) has been used secretly to control them without the understanding or consent of the targeted people. All international human rights treaties prohibit non-confidential control of the human body over prison prisoners, not to mention those for civilians. <Under the initiative of U.S. Senator John Glenn, discussions began in January 1997 on the dangers of radiating toward a group of civilians.
Targeting of the human brain by electromagnetic field and beam (it radiates from helicopters, airplanes, satellites, parked vans, neighborhood houses, utility poles, electrical equipment, mobile phones, TVs, radios, etc.) is part of the radiation problem that must be submitted to democratically elected parliamentary governments.
In addition to electronic mind control, chemical methods have also been developed.
Mind-changing drugs and gases with different smells can have a negative effect on brain function. They can be injected from air ducts or water pipes. Bacteria and viruses were also tested using this method in several countries.
Today's super technologies that connect the functions of our brains to computers through satellites and microchips (without them using the latest technology) of the United States or Israel pose the greatest threat to humanity.
Modern supercomputers are well equipped to monitor people all over the world. < > What happens when people are intrigued by the wrong premise and allow microchips to be embedded in their bodies? One pseudo-bait is a microchip identity card. A law was secretly proposed to outlaw the removal of ID implants in the United States. Are we prepared to completely lose privacy, including human robotization and freedom of thought?
How many of us would want to transfer all our lives, including our most private thoughts, to Big Brother? However, there is a technology to create a totalist New World Order. Confidential neural communication systems exist for the purpose of interfering with individual thoughts and controlling social and political activities to the benefit of selfish civilian organizations and the military. It is already too late for the functions of our brains to be connected to supercomputers by radio implants and microchips.
< These threats can be avoided by educating the public using the available bio-telemetry literature and information exchanged in international conferences.
> One of the reasons the technology remains confidential is due to its widespread reliability with psychiatric diagnostic statistics manual IV (DSM).
The manual was created by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and has been published in 18 countries. Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies were undoubtedly involved in writing and correcting the manual. This psychiatric "bible" overshadows the development of confidential mind control techniques by labeling the symptoms of some of these effects as paranoid skizofrenia. Thus, victims of mind control experiments are usually automatically diagnosed as psychotic by doctors who have studied the DSM symptom list at the medical school.
Doctors have not learned that if patients report that they have been targeted against their will or that they are human guinea pigs in electronic, chemical, or bacteriological experiments for psychological warfare, they may be telling the truth. The time to stop military human experimentation and torture, and to ensure the freedom of future human beings, is ticking.
This article was first published in the 36th-year edition of the Finnish-language magazine SPEKULA (Q3, 1999).
SPEKULA (circulation 6500) is a publication for medical students and doctors of Oulu University OLK in northern Finland. It is emailed to Finnish medical students and all medical doctors in northern Finland.
2015年12月05日(土) 13時40分22秒
(http://spade-for-heart.jimdo.com/資料室/ というサイト(いちばん下にある記事)より転載)
故 ラウニー・リーナ・ルーカネン・キルデ博士
Text From:http://www.whale.to/b/kilde.html
全ての新生児に対するマイクロチップの注入は技術的に可能である。それは全生涯に渡って彼または彼女の身元を調べることができる。そういった計画にはプライバシーの問題が関わっているにも関わらず全く公表されることなしに米国においてひそかに実行されている。スウェーデンではオロフ・パルム首相が1973年に囚人に対するインプラントの埋め込みを許可した。データ・インスペクション局の元長官ジャン・フリーズは自宅で療養している患者に対して1980年代中盤にインプラントを埋め込んだことを明らかにした。この技術は1972年のスウェーデン政府のレポート、Statens Officiella Utradninger(SOU)の中で明らかにされている。
今日のマイクロチップは低周波によって操作されている。インプラントを埋め込まれた人は地球上のどこに行っても人工衛星によって追跡される。体内に埋め込むことの出来るインテリジェンス・マインド・インターフェイス(IMI)バイオティックを開発したカール・サンダース博士によればそのテクニックはイラク戦争の中でテストされたものの一つだった。(ヴェトナム戦争の始まる前に兵士達はランボー・チップを埋め込まれた。それは血流の中にアドレナリンを増大させることができる。)米国の国家安全保障局(NSA)の所有している毎秒200億ビットのスーパー・コンピューターは現在、遠隔モニタリング・システム(RMS=Remote Monitoring System)を使って兵士達が戦場でしている経験を「見聞きする」ことができる。
この記事はフィンランド語の雑誌、SPEKULA(第3四半期号、1999年)の36th-year版の中で最初に公表された。SPEKULA(発行部数6500)は北フィンランドにあるOulu University OLKの医学生と医師の為の出版物である。それはフィンランドの医学生と北フィンランドの全ての医学博士にメールで送付されている。
About Wiener 1/The impact of Wiener's cybernetics that made america's future, the world's future? / Reiwa 5, 2010 Take 5
Kazutso Channe
2070 channel users
【Kazumi Iguchi's Official YouTube Channel】 Norbert Wiener (November 26, 1894 - March 18, 1964) In this take 5, we talk about Norbert Wiener's Cybernetics. Because it is recorded in the production, there is a part where the wind is strong, the sound of the wind enters, and it is considerably difficult to hear, but approve it. For the time been, I tried to reduce the noise using a sponge. Reiwa june 5, 2010. At Nakabayashi Beach, Anan City. 【Reference】 By Norbert Wiener/ Written by Nobert Wiener 戈 Husband, Akiyoshi Yanaga, Saburo Muroga "Cybernetics" (Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1957) By Norbert Wiener 戈Nott Wiener Autobiography by Nobert Wiener( Trout Shobo, Tokyo, 1956) / Translated by Yasuo Chinme From The World" (Mizu Shobo, Tokyo, 1983) By Norbert Wiener / Translated by Yasuo Zhenme "How Cybernetics Were Born" (Mizu Shobo, Tokyo, 1956) Flo Conway, Jim Siegelman, "Invisible Heroes in the Information Age" (Nikkei BP, Tokyo, 2006) [Reference Site] Category: Wiener Cybernetics https://quasimoto2.exblog.jp/i45/ 【Kazumi Iguchi's Official Blog】https://quasimoto3.exblog.jp
チャンネル登録者数 2070人
Microchips, implants,mind control,
and cybernetics